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Dr Pascal RIPPSTEIN is an orthopaedic surgeon who specialises in foot & ankle surgery and is a previous president of the Swiss Foot and Ankle Society and has been a member of its board for
many years. He completed his fellowships in the USA with Sigvard Hansen in Seattle and in France with Samuel Barouk (Bordeaux) and Bernard Valtin (Paris). Back in Switzerland, he founded the Department of Foot and Ankle Surgery at the Schulthess Clinic in Zürich in 1995. The unit includes 8 physicians covering every aspect of foot and ankle pathologies and their treatment. The department has a special interest in total ankle arthroplasties (TAA) having experience from implanting over 700 replacements and developing the Mobility TAA with DePuy.


  Articoli dell'Autore (01)
  La caviglia e il tendine d'Achille

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